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#WT-CODE 304

Hot air balloons floating above Mexican land

13 Pax

The sun was just starting to appear from behind the mountains of the Valley of Teotihuacan, northeast of Mexico City, as flames were pumped into the hot air balloon that we would soon be climbing aboard. All around me, people with tired eyes from their …

#WT-CODE 328

Venice Beach

3 Day(s) 2 Night(s)
45 Pax

No visit to Los Angeles is complete without a trip to Venice Beach. Its canals and beaches are spectacular, but the biggest hit is undeniably the Venice Beach Boardwalk. This is a truly entertaining spot where street performers juggle, dance, sculpt and sing for passersby. …

#WT-CODE 327

Around the World with Motorcycle and Camera

10 Day(s) 9 Night(s)
5 Pax

While that may be good for news, it’s the kind of grind that hardly leaves little time to get to know a place. This time, he wanted the freedom to explore and do street photography. “I had lost sight of what I had before, to …

#WT-CODE 282

Don’t listen to what they say. Go see

6 Day(s) 5 Night(s)
3 Pax

In 2018, the travel industry continues to grow and evolve as brands keep trying to stand out and engage increasingly inattentive audiences who have only more products, services, and platforms to choose from. Which is precisely why content marketing is so vital to the field. …


Japanese martial arts

5 Pax

The usage of term budō to mean martial arts is a modern one and historically the term meant a way of life encompassing physical, spiritual and moral dimensions with a focus of self-improvement, fulfillment or personal growth.[1] The terms bujutsu and bugei have more discrete …

#WT-CODE 326

Food And Culinary

2 Day(s) 1 Night(s)
5 Pax

The Culinary Arts, in the Western world, as a craft and later as a field of study, began to evolve at the end of the Renaissance period. Prior to this, chefs worked in castles, cooking for kings and queens, as well as their families, guests, …


Exploring the Wonders of Abu Dhabi

4 Day(s) 3 Night(s)
6 Pax

After what seemed liked a forever spell of long dreary nights and grey skies, a week somewhere hot and sunny was desperately needed. When thinking about winter sun, there are a few options that spring to mind, but one chilly March morning, myself and my …

#WT-CODE 457

Winter Tour and Detour in the Magical Iceland

7 Day(s) 6 Night(s)
5 Pax

Travel to West and South Iceland in the Winter Wonders and Delicious Detours road trip. See a great array of contrasting landscapes with some great tasting detours. Experience an array of landscapes and natural wonders during northern lights season, while enjoying an introduction to Iceland’s …

#WT-CODE 208

Weekend Tours of Cambodia

3 Day(s) 2 Night(s)
5 Pax

A private tour to visit National Museum, Silver Pagoda, Royal Palace, River Front Park, Wat Phnom, South Gate of Angkor Thom, Bayon, Angkor Temple and Sunset View at Phnom Bakheng with personal guide.

#WT-CODE 206

Jungle tour schedule

5 Day(s) 4 Night(s)
6 Pax

The Swahili word safari means journey, originally from the Arabic meaning a journey; the verb for “to travel” in Swahili is kusafiri. These words are used for any type of journey, e.g. by bus from Nairobi to Mombasa or by ferry from Dar es Salaam …
